Monday, May 18, 2009

Senior Exhibition

> Two weeks until graduation. Everything is winding down/up...sort of. More just winding today. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


VC '09! Since swine flu cancelled our first alumni review we decided to protect our future selves. End sheets for our BFA book. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Art directors, balloons, and typography

On Monday Marc, Mali, Sara and I went up to the Art Director's Club in New York. It was...different than I expected. I loved getting to talk to all the students and some of the reviewers. A lot of the time though I just felt like I was part of a giant flea market. I'm looking forward to the AIGA review tonight in Philly. I think it'll be a lot more personal.

I brought a balloon for the along with me. After the review I tied it to a bike rack outside. 

After ADC I was kind of bummed out so it was really nice when Marc found that someone had posted my City From Below poster on the blog

Saturday, May 2, 2009

hypernationalistic girlchildren

oh, and they suggested i change tricia's name to trashy...

also, my little sister is 13 and sends me really sweet email forwards like this. the subject was Fw: Re: Fwd: Fwd: FW: PLEEZ SIGN TO PROVE GIRLS R GR8!!!!!!!