Saturday, October 10, 2009

Butteryfly emerges from the Science Center

What more can I say?

Hey nice glowing embryo.

They were really asking for it, having the museum-goers to respond to the question: What are you afraid of. And Abby thought Brittany and I were opening a can of worms with the Wish Fulfillment Machine. Yes...I had to steal a few.

It's true. This is how they interpret cell division. I was surprised overall by how many abstract and beautiful ways they expressed science.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

These the Heavens of (Abby's) Brain

Emily and Tom's shadows goofing around without them during the Dumbo Art Under the Bridge Festival

Last weekend, Emily and Brittany and I assisted Abby with her piece, These the Heavens of my Brain. Headlamps, glowing letters, suitcases, and a fishing pole. Photos and video to come. 

Some landscapes in Manhattan.