So I'm interning this winter in DC with Oliver Munday. This is the street his house/studio is on. I stole the picture from google maps new street view feature so I could be an internet creeper rather than a real-life creeper taking pictures of his doorstep. I guess goggle is driving all over the country with a 360 camera. I found my house on it too. Weird:
Since I'm just working with one guy there isn't enough work for me to come up to the studio everyday. Last week I was just in Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday we went over some of the specifics of the internship, talked about projects we would be working on, etc. Then there was a little glitch in getting the internet hooked up. Oliver had just moved into a new place in DC the week before. Two hours on the phone with verizon and no success later we had lunch down the street and called it a day.
On Thursday, I brought in some sketches for a t-shirt Oliver is working on for a group called Yeah Class. (Thanks to Katie for an envelope that came in the mail that day reminding me of how funny big mouths are!)

We put them through photoshop and made up a presentation for the client of the shirt choices. Then we talked about logo ideas for a charity and spreads for a book on Stanley Kubric. I'm pretty excited about the Kubric thing. So far it seems like I'm going to be involved in all the fun parts of the process and not just boring intern-y stuff.